当你还很小的时候When you were still very young...
他们花了很多时间教你用勺子,用筷子,吃东西……They spent a long time in teaching you how to use a scoop and chopsticks...
教你穿衣服,绑鞋带,系扣子……in teaching you how to dress your clothes, tie your shoelaces, fasten the buttons...
教你擦鼻涕,擦屁股Teach you to wipe your nose,Teaches you backside
教你洗脸,教你梳头发……in teaching you how to wash your face, do up your hair...
教你做人的道理in teaching you how to become an upright person...
你是否记得经常逼问她们你是从哪里来的?Do you remember that you are always pressed them to come from?
你是否还记得,你们练习了很久才学会的第一首儿歌Do you still remember that you practice for a long time to learn first nursery rhyme
所以,当他们有天变老时……So when they become old...
当他们想不起来或接不上话时……When they forget something or they cann't reply with the right word...
当他们啰啰嗦嗦重复一些老掉牙的故事的时候 when they repeat the same old story of some of the time
请不要怪罪他们……Please don't blame them...
当他们开始忘记系扣子,绑鞋带……When they start to forget fastening the buttons, tying the shoelaces...
当他们开始在吃饭时弄脏衣服……When they start to dirty their clothes during the dinner time...
当他们梳头时手开始不停地颤抖……When they do up their hair but their hands start to keep on quivering...
请不要催促他们……因为你在慢慢长大,而他们却在慢慢变老……Please don't hurry them...because you are growing up while they are becoming old...
只要你在他们眼前的时候……As long as you are there with them...
他们的心就会很温暖……They would feel very happy ...
如果有一天他们站也站不稳,走也走不动的时候……If they cann't keep their legs and walk any longer one day...
请紧紧地握住他们的手,陪他们慢慢地走……Please hold tightly their hands and walk slowly together with them...
就像……just as ...
就像当年他们牵着你一样……just as they held your hands in those days...